HS Fleet has launched a range of driver risk management services, designed specifically to ensure businesses maintain control of their driver and fleet management.

Services include DVLA licence checks, online risk assessments, e-learning, safety seminars, vehicle telematics and on-road driver training.

With virtually every UK business having to manage an element of driver risk responsibility, the Bristol-based company says it is providing fleets with a “viable” alternative to existing services.

Drawing on notable experience within the industry, the team behind HS Fleet says it has worked hard to establish an organisation with a customer focussed approach, delivering a refreshing range of transparent, effective and affordable fleet management options.   

Having gained several years’ experience with the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), company founder Neil Hawley said: “Looking forward in 2016 we're confident our services will offer businesses of all sizes with a better, more efficient way to manage their driver risk and fleet services - we're committed to delivering a first class, customer driven service.”