Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council has chosen fleet management software from AssetWorks to improve fleet efficiency.   

Gareth Healy, fleet manager at Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, says that the old fleet management system was “archaic and not fit for purpose”.

The legacy software had limited functionality for fleet operators which meant only some parts of the business used it effectively which made the process and operational workflow disjointed.

With one workshop, two supervisors, and eleven technicians’ operational efficiency is critical to success, explained Healy.

Traditionally, fleet management software is embedded into the council’s IT servers meaning the technicians, inspectors, and drivers need to go back to the terminals to record and undertake operational tasks, he says.

However, Healy’s vision for the fleet was more dynamic and required cloud-based technology to increase flexibility for all operational staff. He championed app integration for the fleet from day one.

“A cloud-based solution means anyone from the business can access the system from anywhere,” he said.

“App technology enables inspections to be undertaken remotely, technicians to fix vehicles from anywhere and the operational managers can see what is being done and where in real-time. This flexible app solution saves time and money for everyone involved.”

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council wants to achieve Earned Recognition from the DVSA. FleetFocus M5, from AssetWorks, plays a role in achieving this status by providing a fully integrated platform to manage the vehicles.

The system helps regulate the fleet and uses best practices so that the DVSA is satisfied with the management of the compliance.

Healy said: “We are excited to have gone live with FleetFocus M5 and the associated app technology, especially electronic daily driver first use checks and workshop management applications.

“This is another step for us as an authority to improve the efficiency of our fleet operation with the use of digital technology at the heart of improvement.”

He says that a “big selling point” for the council was that the inspection checklists, compliance around drivers, data management and that managing workflows could all be managed through one system. “These features are all in M5s DNA, it’s like it automagically happens, it’s such a dynamic data approach that will excel our business,” added Healy.

Laura Bigwood, implementation lead at AssetWorks, said: “The tenacity of AssetWorks and Redcar managed to achieve a seamless go-live despite delays and uncertainty due to Covid and the demands that placed on project logistics, and operational demands on the council themselves to provide additional service to the public.”